Hellboy Wiki

Boudicca's Hag was a British Celtic witch.


Boudicca's Hag was a witch who existed in Roman Britain. She was aware of the ancient Ogdru Hem who were entrapped in the earth in which she commune with one of the creatures in a cave, where she eventually bonded with it.

When Boudicca, queen of the Celtic Iceni tribe, led an uprising against the the occupying forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60/61 and was subsequently defeated, she was badly wounded and taken to the witch's cave. Boudicca died there after promising her soul to the witch if she would drive all the Romans out of Britain. The Witch granted her revenge and soon after earthquakes toppled dozens of Roman forts, and hundreds of soldiers were struck down by diseases.

Boudicca's revenge went on until the Romans hunted down the witch and hanged her from a tree in present day Shropshire. Just as the witch died, lightning struck that tree, killing all the Roman soldiers gathered around it. The Celts hid the witch's body for centuries in the woods of Shropshire, worshiping her in secret like a goddess. And in return, she granted them fair weather and long lives. But by 1886, Witchfinder Edward Grey interned the witch's body in the basement of St. Agnes Church and hired Mr. Burke to keep watch on the witch.

In 1953, the witch regained consciousness when she became aware of Hellboy. Knowing what he is, she saw this as a sign for the time that the old gods to wake up. The witch communicate with a Shropshire local, Jaime Moleworth, and convincing him to become her zealot to help in her plans. Moleworth broke the witch from the church and took her to the same tree where she was hung in order to complete a ritual to awaken the god. This did not go unnoticed by the current watcher of the church, Sam Burke, who alerted Trevor Bruttenholm and Hellboy. The witch resurrected the dead Roman soldiers to impede Bruttenholm and Hellboy before having Moleworth to finish the ritual by sacrificing his life to the witch. However, Bruttenholm managed to talk the undead Romans to remember that the witch was their enemy in which they finally killed the witch and ending the dark god bonded with her.
